Hi there, This image is the result of 5 photos stacked in PS. The scene is pretty chaotic and I’m probably a few weeks too late, the snow is almost gone, but I tried to make the best out of it for practice, trying to get there at the right time, with the right light, trying different composition, different shutter speed and practicing post processing of course. I find it difficult to work with Ice and snow, highlights are a pain to manage
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
This image is the result of 5 photos taken with a CPL filter then stacked in PS.
Canon EOS R, EF17-40mm f/4L USM
20.0 mm
ISO 100
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Hi Nicolas, good job stacking these either for focus or for exposure, I think they are all blended quite well. I think the tonality is handled really well here.
My comment is more related to the composition. I find the background especially the upper right corner quadrant to be a little disjointed from the scene. The dappled light that falls on the rock pulls the eyes there instead of going to the waterfall in the BG.
This is a great looking winter scene, Nicolas. IMO @Adhika_Lie’s repost with the cooler tones is the way to go. I think the cooler tones make it feel a bit more like winter rather than the warm ones. The stream and fallen aspen do a nice job of directing me into the image toward the BG waterfall. I hope you don’t mind, but I did a rather radical crop which eliminates the waterfall as
I really prefer this version without the dramatic light. I feel like the white balance is a little more matched to the scene without conflicting color temperatures competing for attention.
@Ed_Lowe beat me to it. The best part of the image is that wonderful ice with the water flow mixed in, and removing the bland background is a much stronger image IMHO. Great catch of that foreground!