The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I had a typical day of rain in the Lake District (UK). I and my gear had received a good soaking and certainly had no keepers. As I was driving back home the sun briefly came out over the Helvellyn range with a smattering of snow at the top. I quickly parked my car and headed up an adjacent fell. I searched for an interesting and hopefully complementary foreground, aware all the time that the light was rapidly failing. I managed to get this photo before the weather returned to wet and grey.
Specific Feedback
I would be grateful for feedback, particularly any thoughts about the balance and composition, but anything else would also be appreciated. Many thanks.
Technical Details
Fujifilm GFX 100 ii (on loan unfortunately). Fujifilm GF 20-35 at 21.8mm. 1/30 sec. ISO 80. Tripod. 3 images focus stacked. Processed in Lightroom and focus stacked in PS
Welcome Steve! That top half is wonderful. I love the flow into the valley with the beautiful sky above. I love foreground anchors, but here that rock is a little dominant and jarring when compared to the mood of the rest of the image. I wonder if it was an option to move back enough to reduce it’s size?
[quote=“Steve Cushing , post:3, topic:40002, full:true, username:steve3”]
Thanks @johnwilliams. I appreciate your feedback. You are right , when I look again that rock does dominate too much. I could indeed have stepped back and made it smaller in the frame. Can’t go back now unfortunately!! However I have cropped to reduce the impact and I think in doing so loosing some of the sides also improves the image as they didn’t add a lot. I think the reworked image emphasises the “flow into the valley” and the light on the top of the fells. What do you think?