Late Fall Display

For some reason I completely missed this image in the fall. I quite like the array of different colors from greenish yellow all the way to bright red. My thought when shooting this was that the near barren trees in the back help to offset the colorful display and keeps it from blending in to the background.

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Gorgeous! I love the sparse leaves that let us see the trunks and branches, and way the shapes and colors stand out against the lovely gray-blue BG. I wonder about a very subtle burn or lower saturation in a gradient up from the bottom, just for the colorful tree that exits the frame in the LR.

I have really come to appreciate these type of late fall scenes as the season inches ever closer to winter. There is still plenty of autumn color to savor and the leafless trees give the viewer a wonderful arrangement of details that you might not otherwise take notice of. Was this from your WV trip? Beautifully done!

Good catch going through the computer and finding gems like this. I am doing the same and came across a whole series of images from just this past fall. Great color variation in the foreground set against a clean canvas in the background setting off those colors beautifully. This looks like it was shot almost wide open because of the falloff in sharpness in the background. Nicely done.

A week later, here I am!

@Diane_Miller I spent more time on the LLC than any other part of the image! I really struggled with the colors in there, there was a nasty green tint that was coming through and it was so strong it took me a few cracks at it to pull it down far enough. I will take another look there to see if some saturation/darkening could be applied…thank you!

@Ed_Lowe Thanks Ed! To be honest, we surprisingly kind of struck out in terms of fall color in WV, I was really shocked! This is from a few weeks later in the Hocking Hills region of Ohio. I learned a bit about this late fall look from Scott Walton, a photographer from Florida. He has. youtube channel with lots of great content.

@David_Haynes Thank you! There was a really long distance between them as well, I think thats part of the reason they went a bit soft. I quite like it though, creates a bit of separation I think and another element of contrast (sharp v soft).

Thanks all!