The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I was out for a wander in the woodland alongside the Anglesea River Vic. I was first attracted to the reflections and liked the late summer afternoon light that fell across the scene. and should the dark area above the trees be cropped out.
Specific Feedback
Could the image be cropped to bring more emphasis to the bridge. is the background too light .
Technical Details
F8 iso 500 ss 1/160 RF100-400mm @180mm Canon r8
Critique Template
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Hi David,
This is a lovely little scene and thanks for sharing it with us. The late afternoon light on the trees is quite nice as is the colorful reflection. I also very much like the bridge as it has a nostalgic look to it that I find inviting. To answer your question about cropping the dark shadows up top I would say yes. I could also see a little crop from the bottom making this more of a pano. I hope you do not mind, but here is a rework with what I was thinking. I also lightened the bushes on the left a little. Just my opinions of course.
Lovely and striking image. Love the reflection. You’ve got a solid composition where the bridge anchors the scene, but all the beauty is in the light, colors and reflection.
Crop? Yeah, I would agree. The top I’ll call a “tweaner” - which simply means either I want more up top , and more even left to right, OR no dark up top. So I like Ed’s crop. One thing that crop does is provide the illusion that the trees/forest up top go on forever; simply because we don’t know what’s above them or how far up they go with a crop.
My only other suggestion would be to maybe tweak the contrast? To me it’s a little heavy, but then the light, time of day etc. are all contributing to that effect. And keep in mind that I don’t see that as a fault, but certainly within the range of personal choice and reasonable. OR, just my opinion.
Overall, beautifully seen, framed and captured. Aside from the technicals, I like the story, or the mystery of where does this bridge and paths lead to? I wonder what it’s like venturing off either end of the bridge in to the forest…
Nice evening scene. I like the crop suggested by @Ed_Lowe. One suggestion would be to center the bridge by cropping a bit from the left. To me feels just a bit unbalanced in that way. Perhaps it’s just me and a compulsion for order. The image pulls to the right.
This is a beautiful late afternoon or early morning scene with terrific directional light. I love the bridge over the water and the reflection in the water of the background trees. Gorgeous light on those trees and the colors are very vibrant.
I’m noticing a lot of magenta in the bridge and the grasses along the shore on both sides. That might be intentional on your part and I don’t want to dissuade you from processing your image how you want it to look but to me it’s noticeable and so I thought I’d at least mention it. There are also a lot of blown out black and shadows and because of this the scene is very contrasty. Again, this may be your intention but I’m just mentioning it. There is also a counter clockwise tilt to the scene and a little clockwise rotation would help. I would also crop some off the top but not a deal breaker if you don’t. The grasses along the shoreline look very bright and pull my eye so I would dial those back and make the bridge more prominent. I would also crop from both sides but mostly the left side to better balance the image and putting the bridge dead center. I hope you don’t mind but I brought this into LR for a quick test drive and this is what I came up with. You may hate this as it may not be your intention for the scene but here it is for what it’s worth.