Lichen, Tracks & Snow


Image Description

Another NH after-the-snow-photo-stroll capture with a pocket camera, circa 2009. The tracks leading to the lichen-covered tree trunks caught my eye.

Coverted to B&W in LRC and processed to better accentuate the texture in the snow and on the tree trunks.

Feedback Requests

Feedback on the composition and processing are appreciated.

Thanks for taking a look!

Pertinent Technical Details

Canon PowerShot G10
f/5.6 @ 1/60, ISO 100
Processed in LRC

Intriguing image! Any idea what made the tracks? Love the pillowy snow.

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Thanks! My bet it was a squirrel.

This is a very simple composition Jim with only three elements but striking, nonetheless. It was a good candidate for B&W conversion and the tracks make an effective leading line up to the trees. The drifting snow up one trunk is particularly interesting.

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Jim: Well seen, composed and processed. As one who prefers to sweat over shivering this brought on the goose bumps. Nicely done. >=))>

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Jim, these do look likely to be squirrel tracks as it plowed through the deep snow. Interestingly enough, it doesn’t “feel” like a black and white photo.

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