Light Sabers

While at the Metolius area of the Deschutes National Forest last fall, I encountered an active prescribed burn in progress. The air was dense with smoke, which filtered the sun rays into shafts of light. I was glad to have a mask to wear to filter out some of the particulates and I smelled like a campfire when I left. Worth the stop, though.

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Is this a composite: No


Wow – cool!! I would have thought fog! I love the sun rays and atmospheric perspective and think the tonalities are excellent and the silhouettes very interesting! I think I would like a comp with the horizon lower in the frame, but glare / lens flare would probably shoot down the idea of pointing the lens higher, and the aspect ratio of a crop from the bottom feels odd, somehow.

This is so striking. I can practically smell the campfire thing you mention. Last summer we had a bit of that from fires in Minnesota. You could have a go at lifting the whites/lights in the far left foreground so they would be closer to the ones center and right. Other than that, I can’t think of a thing. Thanks for sharing!

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Great scene and wonderful use of the smoke to create sun rays. I’m sure the smoke was actually a dirty brown so B&W was a terrific choice. Well done, Chris.

I’d say that was a bonus, smelling like a campfire without going camping, lol. It’s a beautiful, mist-like scene you’ve captured Kris, even if it was caused by burning. A great candidate for B&W too. At first I was bothered by the centering of the tree, but the more I viewed, the better I liked it, with the rays falling on each side for balance.

@Jim_Lockhart @Diane_Miller @Kris_Smith @David_Bostock Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

Chris, the smoke has done a great job of showing off the crepuscular rays. The main tree in the center and the bits of dark shrub at the bottom create an excellent sense of being there. (Although I don’t envy you the smoke and smell…)

@Mark_Seaver Thanks, Mark.

thanks for the suggestion. It really helped. Looks better.