I got lucky here, she turned on him after mating and it was very quick, the shutter speed was too slow to freeze the action but I’m pleased with the resulting sense of motion and aggression.
Lumix GX8 Panasonic Leica 100-400 @ 150mm
South Luangwa Zambia
150mm? Wow, you were close! This is an interesting frame. I love the female’s attitude and pose. And I like the muted colors. Looks like it’s either pre-dawn or just after sunset. The motion blur in the male is a bit much for my taste, but I kind of like the movement in the female’s paw. Very cool encounter.
It was 150mm on a micro four thirds camera Lyle so 300mm in full-frame land, and I should have said that I have cropped about 20% of the frame away
It was about 4.00pm but with cloud cover (from memory).
These two left the pride and walked towards us, if you are in a vehicle they wander right by you.
Thanks for the comments, Lyle’s comment about the time of day got me thinking. It was cloudy that afternoon but the image does now look quite cool to me so I have added a touch of warmth. This is more accurate.
Sorry Alan there is no more frame to the left.