Little Corellas

A common Australian Cockatoo
Nitmiluk National Park, Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia

2018:09:28 13:25:01
Nikon D850
1/320 sec, f/11
Mode: Av
Metering: Multi-segment
Exp comp: +2/3
ISO: 1250
White balance: Auto
Flash: Off

All critiques most welcome

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They are beautiful birds, Sandy. I like the way they are both looking off to the side in the same direction. Great detail in the feathers.

Hello, Sandy. I love the way the look in sync at whatever they look at. The light seems to have been pretty challenging, but you managed while by overexposing. Cheers, Hans

Pretty neat how you caught them in identical poses.

Nice poses and a good job of handling the situation. While they’re obviously perched up high, you minimized the effect and getting them without obstructing branches is an achievement in itself.

I didn’t realize what a mess eucalyptus are. They are often brown and straggly, Catch light at all angles, don’t provide a solid BG so bright light is always showing through, and it’s almost impossible to get a clear shot at anything. Tries my patience!