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Is this a composite: No
Canon R 5; RF 100-500 mm; ISO 320; 1/1600 sec. at F 8.
Is this a composite: No
Canon R 5; RF 100-500 mm; ISO 320; 1/1600 sec. at F 8.
Wonderful! Jagdeep. These waders all seem to look pretty goofy from the front, but this one takes the cake. I love it.
Can’t say it better than Dennis did. Excellent. The little egret has the goggles; now all it needs is a leather flight helmet.
Hi J Rajput
Great job on getting the Egret to look interesting. The detail and whites look very nice.
This egret has put a smile on my face. I couldn’t agree more with Jim; he’s got his goggles, now for the leather flight helmet.
Well handled whites!