Yesterday I was lucky enough to encounter a Little Owl close to the road, which allowed me to make some (almost) full frame images of this species, which is not an everyday experience for me…
Thanks for any feedback, Cheers, Hans
What technical feedback would you like if any?
I am not a fan of cloning things out of images; in this case however I wonder if I should take out the horizontal fence line… What do you think?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Nikon D850 with 500mm F4 | 1/2500s | f5 | ISO320 | underexposed 1/3EV | from car
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Good for you, Hans. I looked them up and found they are about the size of our Burrowing owl. This is an excellent example illustrating that you don’t have to be so “in your face” close to your subject for good imagery. Because the open framing illustrates the diminutive size of this guy nocely. I also like the fresh warm green and yellow flowers which are nicely soft. Lots to like here.
Hans: This is a very nice image. Exemplifies the power of simplicity in an image. I really like the inclusion of the OOF yellows at the bottom of the frame.
You asked about removing the horizontal fence line. I would leave it. Doesn’t distract from the image for me at all.
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Thanks, Bill for your reaction. Yes, they are like ‘your’ Burrowing Owls, albeit with shorter legs. Cheers, Hans
Thanks Keith for your advise in relation to the fence line !
A lovely image of this Little Owl, Hans. I really like the setting. I agree with leaving the fence wire-a fence post without a wire just doesn’t look right. You may have leveled your camera, but the fence post seems skewed a bit to the right. It may just be my engineer’s mind, but I like my fence posts vertical.
Hi Hans, really nice eye contact from the owl - love those yellow peepers. Great background - the green and yellow go wonderfully for this image. Well done.
Well, Dennis, I am not sure: in my memory not all the poles have been placed level, and hence I levelled the image horizontally with the eyes of the owl as reference… but, honestly I can’t tell
Interesting idea to use the eyes for leveling, Hans. It never occurred to me, but it seems like a reasonable idea.
I like the yellow at the bottom here Hans, not thrilled about the fence post and line but that’s where it perched for you.
Exquisite color and background. In this case the setting, even though not perfect with respect to the perch and wire does work well. I like the pose. I am enjoying the yellow color at the bottom of the frame. I wish my owls would pose in the open like this one.