Jim, this sure looks like an exceptional shot to me! I usually keep my camera on high speed and in Canon I use what is called AI Servo, which lets the camera constantly focus on the subject, and I use back button focus. When it is windy, I can get a few good shots, where as if I would be shooting one shot at a time, I may miss getting a shot. But to me, this is dead sharp, and the yellows on him and the flowers just compliment each other. Very nice shot.
Jim, I agree about most wasps being hard to shoot as they move quickly and constantly. This capture is outstanding with the coordinated colors in the wasp and the goldenrod. Well done.
Wonderful photo image of this insect. The color bands on this subject is awesome. Everything came out great. The comp was also we;ll framed
Jim: Really good capture and a testament to how our technology can make our job so much easier. Of course the gear doesn’t make the shot but in the hands of a master like yourself the results can be outstanding. Most excellent. >=))>