Lone Rock

This is the last one from the Mojave. It was sunset as the front from the west was moving in and foreshadowed a day of rain. Strangely, I only did a highlights adjustment in camera raw and cloning cleanup to this one. I went back to size it and thought I had flattened the master file by mistake, but there were no layers to flatten. Most unusual for me.

D850, 70-200mm


I really love these kind of photos where the shapes of the hills or mountains keep going on into the distance. Love the beautiful orange color you captured as well. Really beautiful work.

Nice one, Harley. The light, colors and tones are spectacular. It has a great mood to it.

Wonderful atmospheric perspective with a gorgeous sunset! Every so often the raw adjustments are enough.

The layering with the receding ridgelines has created some wonderful depth to this lovely landscape, Harley. I also find the gradation of yellow tones quite striking which also adds to the depth IMO and the placement of that lone rock is perfect. This is being real nit picky, but I am on the fence about the two shrubs sticking above the FG ridge as I think they interrupt the flow a little. Just a thought.

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I had been debating that back and forth since I processed it. Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated.