Looking into the light

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I’ve started playing around with abstract photos recently. I really enjoy just focusing on the light and shapes I see through the lens and not thinking so hard about having everything perfect. I took this while I was out for a walk through the woods on our property. I stopped under a tree and looked up into the sun and loved how the leaves looked like negative images.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback will be appreciated. I like the branch coming through the middle at an angle but wondering if the urc is too distracting?

Technical Details

Handheld - used a Sigma 105 f2.8 macro lens, ISO 100, 1/50 sec

Hm. I don’t know. This looks like a mistake. Like you accidentally clicked the shutter and decided to work with it. It’s just so hot it hurts and I am pretty sure I’m looking at over exposed leaves, so it’s not terribly abstract. Just my reaction and so I don’t intend to be harsh. Ow.

I do get the idea of looking right into backlit leaves though and have tried it many times. It’s a tough hang. Sensors are good these days, but not as good as our eyes so keep trying and maybe one day…poof!

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Thank you for your honest feedback… That’s why I’m here! I will take your advice to keep trying and see where it goes.

Hi Derika, first thank you for sharing your image and being open to learning. The leaves do look like digital negatives. I like that you are pushing yourself to see more abstract potential and using light and shapes in your composition. Just want to encourage to keep at it. I do agree with Kristen that the highlights are over exposed. On your next outing, underexpose the image and look to simplify the framing. Thanks for being here in the community and sharing!

Thank you for you feedback Alfredo! I do realize that the leaves are over exposed, it was actually intentional. I like the effect but can appreciate that it’s not a popular opinion :joy: I will keep trying and look forward to learning more!

Even though I felt exactly the same Kristen and Alfredo were describing, I think you have to always remember that these are our opinions, nothing less, but definitely not more. You are not doing photography to please anyone but yourself. What matters is whether you like it and what you feel about your work. If you break each and every rule in the book, so be it. Stay true to yourself and do what you feel like doing. That being said I like your photo for being a part of your self-expression. Well done.


Hi Holger! Photography is absolutely something I do for myself and I do want to improve my technique so this forum is great for that. Even if my artistic style isn’t for everyone, I will continue to experiment and play to my heart’s content😁 Thank you for the reminder to do so!!