I was led through the canyon by my Navajo guide and he was very helpful and attentive to my needs. The tourist traffic was significant and at times a major problem. All in all, it was a great experience and I would return.
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Is this a composite: No
B&W conversions with PS and luminosity masks.
A very nice image, I like that you have chosen a B&W presentation! Despite very light and very dark parta, you have managed to keep details almost everywhere, well done.
I also like your choice to render this B&W, and you have a great range of tones here. And the diagonal lines and stripes in the sandstone also translate very well to B&W. You have a great tunnel of light here.
This experience would probably drive me insane. I visited Lower Antelope a few times about 20 years ago, before it got totally commercialized. Back then you did not have to have a guide, and could stay as long as you liked. I went in one morning and during the course of 3 hours only encountered a handful of other people. It was like having the place to yourself, but sadly those days are gone.
Very nice James. I too like the B&W presentation, and the dark framing works very well.
I have two small comments regarding the edges of the frame. I would clone out the little triangle of lighter rock on the left edge about 1/3 of the way up, and I think a small crop off the top might work well.
I like this as a b&w presentation but I feel it pales in emotion to the color work that comes from this slot canyon. But b&w is different and we’ve reached a point where color images from here now bring yawns due to them being so common. With regards to suggestions I would try to add texture to that large black area on the left with tonal separation. The suggestion for a small crop from the top seems good to me as well.
James funnily enough I have a virtually identical image taken in 2012, much more contrast with blown highlights, it was selected for the cover of Culture Magazine in Hong Kong. Different time and treatment, same subject.
At the time ‘photographers’ were allowed to wander unsupervised, obviously not any more.
And same handrail just visible in the lower middle