Magic Wood

Last weekend I visited Trollskogen (Magic Wood) near Torna Hällestad in the southern part of Sweden. In an area there are a lot of twisted trees that invite you to take pictures. However, the trees are very hard to isolate from other trees around, so I guess I have to visit a foggy day.

Anyhow, I tried this perspective and find a small gap within which to place at least a part of the tree.

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Very interesting and graphic image. A lot of interest to look at. I think your careful composition and placement works well. Thanks for sharing!

Very well composed. All of the lines coming from the outer edge of the frame lead to the subject. The subject for the most part seems to follow the break in the canopy remarkably well. I think for those reasons the image holds together well and works graphically - as suggested by Adam.

Knit picking but if I had to offer critique I’d perhaps suggest whether it would have been possible to separate the main branch on the right of the subject tree with the upper portion of the trunk. It doesn’t really bother me to be honest but I wonder if a little separation would enhance the composition (perhaps not if it means moving back and losing the alignment of the tree/ break in the canopy).

Interesting image and again, very well composed to my eye.

What an effectively creative way to deal with the clutter of the forest, this is a great way to get some isolation. Given the situation you faced, I think you did an outstanding job of placing the center tree. The only part of the center tree that doesn’t separate as much is the right branch which goes up against more trees and less sky than the other parts of the center tree. It might help to dodge the highlights in the immediate area of the right branch. Here is a rework for illustration. It draws a bit more attention to the right branch, and creates the illusion of more separation.

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This is a very lovely composition. And a very “moody” one.

A beautiful image with a crazy, twisted tree for the subject. I like the tones. Very eye-catching.

An energetic composition that tells me a fascinating story. The central tree seems to be strongly battling away the intrusions of the others. But that tree has no recent small branches. It is quite dead. And still it battles.

That is a wonderful graphic looking tree and you placed it beautifully within the frame, Ola. The B&W treatment works well and I think @Ed_McGuirk rework is the ticket. I am enjoying the mood here; nicely done!

You’ve done a really good job here Ola of presenting us with a compelling image in very challenging conditions. I’d have been very happy to have walked out of the woods with this one.

Terrific image. I like how you were able to isolate the tree inspite of the other trees around. The perspective is also enticing. Nice work.

Fascinating image. So full of emotion, of terror. I love it.

@Mario_Cornacchione, @Ed_Lowe , @brian15 , @Igor_Doncov , @Bill_Crich , @Ed_McGuirk , @Adam_Bolyard , @joaoquintela , @Mark_Muller and @Dick_Knudson thanks for your kind comments. Brian, I agree with your comment that including a gap would have given a better image. Ed, I will for sure adopt your proposal of dodging highlights.