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Currently in Mallorca I returned to some pine woods I visited before. I think all can see where I am going with this shot. However not entirely sure where I am.

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Oh I like this, Mattias. Very artistic, I think. I really like the lighter area in the BG and the FG is very well chosen. I don’t want to guess your vision so I will just tell you my impression when I see this image. The first impression that I get from this image is a sense of mystery. I think the darker image gives that mood. And I think it gets very intriguing considering that the most immediate FG is a little dark but the BG is lighter as if it is lit from the inside. It looks like there is a kind of congregation of some sort. I like where this image is taking me.

A nice dark warm gradient on the shadows going up the hill, Mattias. The larger image shows the pine cones sitting there and they certainly add to the story. I am captivated by the three stars of the show, some nice work presenting them…love the fine soft texture of light you have given them. Lots of places for a viewer to explore and wander about…the leaning and bent shapes are extraordinary and those root systems certainly give the old Pines a new life. One might think they are plotting something or creeping up on the others in the background. As a title, I’ll throw out “Creeping In” or “The Creepers” I could see this as story board for an animated work, “The Haunted Forest”. Walt Disney had the forest uproot themselves and start stalking and prowling around. Great work!

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Fascinating, mysterious, haunting, enchanting… fantastic!

I’m kinda dense some times and often to literal… and so my first impression where you’re going is “the light at the end of the tunnel” effect. But then all those adjectives above could describe going for something else… the haunted forest as Stephen mentions. I think I see Smeagol hiding among the trees…

Have no idea what you started with (don’t want to know) but the end result is quite captivating.

Where are you? :wink:


I really like this, Mattias. The mystery of tangled pines, the light beckoning one forward despite their trepidation. I see Adhika’s concept of a congregation within, so it begins to take on a sacred / pagan element as well.

I’m an English teacher by profession, so to me, this brings to mind scenes from 19th century American Literature: Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter (with Pearl, Hester, and the Dimmesdale at home in nature and at odds with puritan morality) and maybe a little bit of Washington Irving (Icabod Crane or perhaps a jolly gang of bowlers with a flagon of whiskey!)

Regardless of what it calls up for the viewer, it works if it engages us as deeply as it has. Nice work!

Excellent comments by all members.

Perhaps the above being my favorite.

When an image takes people on a ride of imagination you know you have something special. In contrast to comments like “this bright object draws my eye”.

As I look at this image the trees take on a life of their own. They become animated, seemingly moving, swaying, warning. It’s all fascinating.

On the aesthetic side - I think I would slightly dodge the ground in the llc area so as to better see it. I would still keep all that darkness but bring it up to the level of the ground in the lower center.

Excellent image.

I’m guessing your in Denver; what with that magic mushroom bill and all :wink:

Seriously, though, I love what you’ve done here. This is artistic in a way that I am poorly skilled at seeing myself, but love that you were able to find and process this in such a magical way. Well done.

Mattias, this is a very moody, compelling image. And it deserves a nice title. What I find really cool is that all the trunks give the impression that they are in motion. It’s also interesting to note the distinct absence of grasses or any other ground cover, which for me adds to the mysterious appeal. Another attractive aspect is the distant sunlit portions with the greenery. Fun stuff!

To me, it looks like the tree trunks are forming a window looking out on another world. Very ethereal Mattias. As Bill mentioned, I think it needs a good title.

@Eva_McDermott @Bill_Leggett @John_Williams @Igor_Doncov @Marylynne_Diggs @Lon_Overacker @Stephen_Stanton @Adhika_Lie

Thank you all for contributing and your generous and happy comments about my image. I already had a few suggestions for title but please feel free to share your thoughts. I am clueless.

“The wolf said, “You know, my dear, it isn’t safe for a little girl to walk through these woods alone.”

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Mattias, this is one of the most unique forest images I have seen in a long time, i agree with @Marylynne_Diggs, there is a pagan element to it. The smaller image is very dark, but after you open the large image and start to study the image, many interesting things start to reveal themselves. My title would be “Witches Woods”, it reminds me of the forest in the movie “The Blair Witch Project”.
Very unique and creative, and masterfully processed too.

So it’s official. Witches Woods it is. Thanks