
Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

the water flow and the atmosphere in the back ground.
making the foliage pop little more with some more detail.

Creative direction

yes I’m unclear about my vision , this shot is missing something, maybe its not the foliage but to me its could use something else.

Specific Feedback

Technical Feedback

Technical Details

shot at 1/5 second ISO 100 f 16


This is an off trail waterfall not to many people even know exist . When I first saw a pictures of this waterfall I knew I had to find it and do it some justice . All photos ive seen were cellphone shots,
After 3 attempts I gave up . One morning I bumped into a guy and got to talking about shooting waterfalls , I ask him if he had been there he said many times. Well I told him I tried 3 times after promising I would never carrying any one back to it I agreed .

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Wow! I think this is wonderful! I love the intricate features in the falls, and the distant BG is soft and lovely. The foliage on the right feels – well – just right. Maybe on the left I would consider bringing up the darker foliage and toning down the brighter limb, to make it more balanced with the right side. I love the FG but maybe the bright water could be toned down a bit as it tends to pull the eye, being the brightest area. Maybe pull just a bit more detail out of the dark rocks, for balance?

You have a wonderful subject here, with a very good beginning on the processing.

I like this image a lot, William! I agree with some of what @Diane_Miller has shared in terms of bringing in a bit more shadow detail in those rocks. I also have a thought. If you were slightly higher in your point of view, and angled downwards to get this overall same composition, you would separate that large boulder from the bottom of the falls on the right side. That could improve the image, but of course that means going back again! If you do, try that. But in my opinion, this is a lovely image!

Oh my, that’s nice Dewayne! (…and welcome to NPN!)

I had the same thought as @brenda_tharp about the bottom of the falls on the right. Not a big deal in how overall lovely this image is, but if you go back…

I love @Diane_Miller’s thought about dropping the brightness of the foreground water to let the eye sweep back. In fact, I’d be tempted to play with brightening up the main falls with a touch more blue and that central area at the back to help the eye flow up and in to that scene. (I’ll post a crude example below.)

I tend to like deep shadows like this, so my vote would be to leave them as is.

Many Thanks , I will pull it back up and try what you suggested

Many Thanks , I’ll be back in the spring and try what you suggested Thanks Again.

Many Thanks , I’ll give what you suggested a try, by the way I like your edit . Thanks Again

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