We had some sunny weather (almost too sunny) last Saturday on a camera club field trip to one of the area wildlife refuges. I believe these were Cackling Geese, but there were true Canada Geese around as well. I happened to be near a flock that was moving around with lots of landings going on and managed a few acceptable images.
PS I’ve been keeping the burst rate on this camera set to low. For this outing I changed it to “medium” and burned through almost two full 128 GB memory cards-over 3400 images to go through! I think I’ll go back to “low”!
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Sony A1, FE200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 840 mm, hand held from car, f/9, 1/1250, iso 1250, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped to 6119x4120. Taken Saturday, February 12th at 9:28 AM.