I photographed this peak from the cruise boat on Maligne Lake taking us to Sprit Island in Jasper National Park.
Specific Feedback Requested
Any feedback is welcomed.
Technical Details
Camera: Canon 5D Mark IV, Lens: EF28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM. Shutter Speed: 1/4000. Aperture: f/11. ISO: 400. Processed using Photoshop and Nik Silver Effects Pro.
Dramatic image Robert. Nice B&W conversion. There is some nice symmetry in the scene. I would try cropping about half of the sky to enhance the symmetry and create a mirror image between the top and bottom half. Great details in the mountain.
What a beautiful mountain, Robert. I think B&W was certainly the way to go. There is lots of contrast and detail. Great job. I think I might agree with @AndreDonawa about a small crop at the top.
Thank you, I cropped the sky about half and it did seem to
Thank you, I tried your idea of cropping some of the sky area , about half and was pleased with the result as it focuses the scene a bit more on the mountain.