Maple Leaf

A simple shot of a maple leaf.

All feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

1/200 sec, f/16, ISO 1600, 150mm
Adjustments in Lightroom to sharpness, exposure, noise reduction, etc., plus a little cloning-out of distractions in the surrounding grass, and a vignette to make it a bit moody.

(The exposure settings are a little odd, I know. The small aperture was a mistake - a result of shooting a landscape image moments before and forgetting to change my settings afterwards. The high ISO is a result of the small aperture, and the shade beneath the maple tree! The resulting noise was easy to remove though.)

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Mark: I love the color contrast between the leaf and the BG and how you arranged the leaf in the frame. I would prefer a bit more room for the leaf but this works well as is. Your small aperture may actually have been a good choice at this close working distance even though the scene is a pretty flat plane. Nicely done. >=))>

Mark the mix of colors and high contrast create a fine “pop”. I’m enjoying the full frame sharpness and think it works very well in this context.

Hi Mark, this is a very attractive combination and fits the WC to a tee. Visually stimulating and I like how the veins stick out. A minor nit would be a bit more border on the left, but its still a fine image.

Thanks Bill, Mark, and Jim, for your comments!