Mar Chiquita

The eolianites of the north coast of Puerto Rico are hit by the energy of the Atlantic Ocean

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This is quite a scene, Augusto. I really like the light and the longer exposure on the water. Wonderful.

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I love the texture and colors in the water that you have in the water. The shutter speed and your processing make the water look great. The colors in the water and rocks have vitality without being over-saturated.

I am usually not a fan of having bright and/or saturated elements being placed on a frame edge. At first, I wondered if the bright yellow sky in the upper left corner (ULC) was a distraction or not. In the end I think it does work, because you need to see that light source to understand the light in the rest of the image. Maybe you could slightly reduce the luminosity of the brightest yellows.

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Thank you very much, I am glad that you like it.

Thank you very much for your comment. I find his observation of the light at the edge of the frame very interesting. I would never have thought about it.

Beautiful light and colours. I love the motion blur in the water and I think your shutter speed was just about perfect.