I think that the reflection here is really beautiful but I find the cut of bank at the top of the image distracting. I may be worth playing around with a crop – either include just the reflection or include a bit more of the bank (if that is possible).
Those reflections are the star of this scene. I don’t feel like the URH corner adds to the composition and wonder if it would have been possible to compose the reflections without it? The tonality and processing is spot on, though.
Hi Guy,
The B&W processing is superb as is the reflection you captured in this image. This just has the feel of a cold dreary December day in the marsh. Do you happen to have another with just a bit more marsh grass at the top? I ask because I find myself wishing there was just a little more along the top edge. I hope you do not mind, but here is a quick rework with what I was thinking. Just my opinion of course. I wound up cropping some from the right as I could not add that much grass. Anyway I love the mood here.
Im a huge fan of reflection images and this works great especially in black and white !!! The lines of the trees and the clouds really speak to me. Really nice !!!
Magnificent reflection Guy. I think the choice to go BW worked perfectly, this has such wonderful tones (especially that sky). I really like @Ed_Lowe’s version too.
Hi Guy: The reflection is wonderful in B&W. The fine lines you’ve captured in the still of the water really sets a scene that is one that I find I can can keep looking at. I agree a straight horizon line makes it easier to look at the photograph and, perhaps, a bit more shore line might have provided interest IF it is interesting and adds value to the overall image.