An image of a marsh wren in the middle of his territorial singing taken at the Bear River Migratory Refuge.
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840mm, 1/1600s@F9, ISO800, full-frame.
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Nice singing pose you captured and the details are great. I like the detail in the eye especially. The background compliments the bird and perch nicely with the verticals present.
Superb color, detail, pose, perch, and BG. There is a darker area of tan reed in the RUQ which pulls my eye. I would crop the right to eliminate that area, which also decenters the bird to follow rule of thirds.
This is very pretty. Detail on the bird is really nice. I also think it helps a lot that there are no BG stalks intersecting the bird’s beak. I dont particularly mind the darker reed in the RUQ, but I think I’d prefer the bird to be a little less centered. Looking forward to more!
Beautiful image, Govind. I really like the lightness of the tones in this image. A great singing pose and excellent image quality. I do tend to agree that a touch off the right would improve an already excellent image.
Thank you all for the feedback. Here is a repost with a little bit of crop from the right. Would like to know if this moves the wren enough off-center.
I think you just about nailed it with this crop, Govind. No need to try for the 1/3 line with that tail sticking out.
This crop fixes the URC and does a good job of getting rid of most of the bent reed in the LLC while retaining that nice sharp reed coming out of the LRC. Nice perch, good lighting, and nice expression. Good shallow depth of field turns the reeds nice and creamy. Well done.