ID correction welcome.
Specific Feedback Requested
General feedback.
Which crop do you prefer? I know the rules of even/odd and cropping, but I’m just asking which do you like best? Feel free to offer another suggestion also.
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Canon Canon EOS 7D Mark II, 100-400mm + 1.4x III
Lovely, Barbara. Looks like a buttercup to me, but I am no expert. I do love the OOF background with the center of attention being on the single flower. IMHO I prefer the second crop as it helps put the focus on the little flower, at least for me. Nicely seen and captured.
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I’d compromise between the two. I’d like to see more room on the left and right, and if available a bit more room on the bottom. The second image feels too tight.
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Lovely colors and well seen. I might offer a third option. A crop coming across from the left keeping the top three flowers to just above the lower flower and up to and including only the two blades of grass and then up.
I really like the nice clean green bg and I feel distracted by the little flower on the bottom.
We have similar looking flowers here that have a really waxy look . They are pretty but I find very hard to photograph.
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I much prefer the second vertical image. It puts the center flower in sharp focus with the other two as supporting elements. Nice capture of a under appreciated wildflower.
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