Small flowers

What technical feedback would you like if any? Comments on DOF, detail is light areas.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Overall composition

Any pertinent technical details: Canon EOS R, Canon 100mm F-2.8 Macro, tripod, 1/5 @ F-13 ISO 200, 10 sec delay. Blooms are less than 1/4 of an inch. Do not know what wildflower this is, was part of a package of wildflowers which I planted in a small pot, resulting in small flowers!

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Saw that I have posted a photo with an obvious fault, forgot to save after cloning out a distraction, but don’t know how to replace this image with the corrected one.

Despite the fault, the detail is really nice on the flowers,
I might run some NR on the BG.

Cool looking flowers, John, and I love the background. They look familiar, but I can’t put my finger on them. I’m debating about the out of focus bloom in the background. I’d probably try to see if I could remove it without making it obvious, but that’s just my taste.

If you want to post the fixed image, you can just put it in a response to this one. The responses take full size images.

Thanks Dennis, the background is other flowers, though they would work well as the BG.


No problem for me with the comp. I see the cloning fault, which you can fix by simply posting the correction in reply to your initial post. My only nit is the two clipped buds and blossom. I don’t have a problem with the OOF flower in the URC.

Hi John

Excellent background on this- it really sets off those small flowers nicely. My only suggestion is to frame the picture differently so that one of the 3 in focus flowers is not cut off.


John: A little rotation of the camera and a slightly wider angle to get all of the blooms in the frame would suit me better but this is pretty nice as is.>=))>