It has been a rainy and cool month of July 2021 so far, which has been great for photographing waterfalls, which I did yesterday during a light rain. But overnight it got much warmer and the sun came out this morning. This resulted in some very dense fog this morning along the Charles River, and I went out exploring for foggy trees. I went out shooting in the fog this morning before I saw @Adam_Bolyard 's excellent post “Youthful Grove” later this morning after I returned home. But Adams foggy forest image inspired me to post one of my own efforts from this morning.
I just loved the soft look of these trees at the edge of a meadow. The warm colored summer grasses in the meadow were a wonderful complement to this foggy summer scene.
Specific Feedback Requested:
any critique or comments are welcome
The only thing that bothers me about this image is the top of the center tree. I cropped low to minimize negative space. I was also reluctant to crop tighter at the top because I wanted to keep the space above the tree on the left. Does the top of the center tree bother you?
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)
Canon 5D Mk4, Canon 70-200mm f4 lens, at 160mm, ISO 100, 0.5 seconds at f16
I am good with your choices regarding the amount of space and cropping you presented. You mentioned your attraction to the tree near the meadow and I see that. But I am also drawn to the foggy layered colors of the meadow with the wooded back ground. As usual your processing of the fog is spot on.
This has an understated mood that I find very inviting, Ed. The different layers have given the scene a nice sense of depth front to back and the fog has provided some beautiful atmospherics. I see what you mean about the tree in the middle, but as you mentioned a crop will not work. I would be happy with this as is if it were mine.
Very nice scene, Ed. I love the multidirectional layering the composition provides–front to back between the layers of trees but also the additional depth given by the contrasting grassy areas. The crop/spacing works fine for me. The upper part of the tree seems very natural (ie more scraggly toward the top as the younger branches start to fill in) and isn’t a bother to my eye.
Thanks for the comments folks. Alan you are right, in hindsight I wish I had included more of the layers of the meadow grass in this shot. I do have some other compositions where I eventually did that. But this was one of the first shots I took after arriving at the meadow. It took me a while to figure out the grass had potential too.
Ed, how does this crop work for you ? I got over my hangup about including the top of the left tree. I think your idea to crop helps a lot.