Lon Overacker, Diane Miller, and I met up yesterday in Pt Reyes to do some photography together. They remained in Pt Reyes and are out photographing today. It was very sweet meeting in person people who I “know” online (I did meet Lon in Yosemite years ago in the previous incarnation of NPN). We got along well and had a wonderful day. We started photographing at noon and it was foggy everywhere, so we channeled black and white photos. We headed out to the beach area and the fog partially lifted, creating perfect light for capturing the beautiful color on the cliffs/dunes next to the ocean. Here is one, shot in focus bracket of 4, edited in Helicon. Slight bump in contrast to the colors, but they were this vivid in the subtle light. The sky and small patch of sea was darkened more.
Hey, Tony – it was wonderful to meet you and go shooting! I can attest (as will Lon) that the colors were indeed like this, but you definitely get the credit for processing soft light this well! I love the shapes emphasized by the vegetation. The scenery and light have been all over the map, with I hope some decent wildlife.
I’ll have a wide variety to share when I’m back home tomorrow.
The vivid colors are very compelling and a nice contrast with the soft blues in the sky. If any San Francisco Bay Area NPNers are interested in future local meetups count me in.
This has a nice gentle feeling to it due to the curves and light. I’m not sure you needed to saturate this much but it’s all about what you’re trying to say. I’m very familiar with the area. Those reds are likely all poison oak. I always steer clear of that.
Count me in for the next meet up in the bay area. I couldn’t make this trip due to work but can generally make it between February and June or August to early Sept.
Sounds like you guys had a great trip in a beautiful area.
It seems like only yesterday! Wait, I mean Wednesday, the day before… Great meeting you (again) and Diane. Ya know, photography is a loner sport… but it’s always fun to share our passion with folks who enjoy the same thing! Great time spending time with both of you at such a beautiful and diverse location!
This is lovely Tony. I Remember the scene well and I think you’ve nailed the colors. I was pretty much overwhelmed by all the colors. I like the little patch of ocean giving the scene some location context and we were fortunate to have a little action going on in the sky.
No major suggestions really. Even though the orange iceplant was pretty vibrant and I think this is accurate - the little patch on the left draws the eye, slightly. Not a big deal though. I also like how the lighter vegetation (those plants were going to seed like a cottonwood tree does, and have no idea what that is…) the vegetation at the bottom balances with the sky up top. You may even want to trip the sky a little? Again, no biggie!
Maybe it’s just me since no one has commented yet, but not sure why there is some banding in the sky - just as if the pixel resolution was too small to handle the shades of blue? Certainly isn’t oversaturated or anything. Does anyone else see this?
Anyway, thouroughly enjoyed spending the time with you both. Diane and I had a great shoot in the fog yesterday too!
As far as another get together? You bet! I’m in. Have a great trip to Colorado!
You’re right, Lon – I hadn’t noticed but there is banding or posterization (not sure if there is a difference) in the sky. If the sky was darkened in raw, I doubt it would show up, so in that case probably an unavoidable issue with conversion to an 8-bit JPEG.
This was a great impromptu trip!! I’m in for another one! But NOT in tourist season. It ain’t Yosemite but I need to be able to park in the middle of the road whenever I please.