Good timing for this week’s WC because these dainty flowers just popped up in my yard this week . I was hoping to shoot some skunk cabbage poking through, but the local ones aren’t quite ready for prime time yet. Taken with my Sony a77II, Tamron DT 16-300 lens at 140 mm, ISO 100, 1/40, f/8, tripod mounted. In post processing I brightened a bit and added some clarity. All comments and suggestions are welcome and thanks for viewing.
Jim, I have these blooming in my yard also. This is a very nice look at this cluster, with great details in the flowers and their golden innards as well as the surrounding green grass. I would try some burning-in on the blooms to the left to deepen their purple bits while keeping the nice look of the sunlight flowing in from the left.
Beautiful flowers that just radiate Spring, Jim! I like that 3 of the flowers are in focus. Good timing for the challenge. I’m jealous! I just had a couple of huge snow drifts pop up in my yard.
A beautiful clump of flowers, Jim. When I was looking at this my eye kept wanting to go to the lower right flower, but wouldn’t quite make the move-not sure what caused that. I thought maybe a rotation would help, but all the other orientations looked horrible. Then I tried Mark’s suggestion and it helped a lot. This was just a quick burn with no fancy selection, but I think with the local adjustment brush in LR, you could do a lot better.
Thanks, Dennis, I’ll give it a try!