Mom and both children

It was difficult getting all three together. Most of the time one of the youngsters would hide out of sight or just behind Mom.

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7D MK II; 100/400 @400; 1/160th; 500 ISO; WB auto; spot

I love it. Outgrowing the nest for sure. I don’t know much about owl behavior - does dad help raise the kids, too? Did you ever see him at the nest?

Anyway…you got all the faces in focus so that’s the best bit. Looks as if mom had plenty of prey for them - they’re fat, fluffy and feisty. Terrific work.

Excellent family portrait. The current crop shows the environment well, but I could see a tighter crop for printing. Really nice to get all three in focus and with the eyes open. Your patience paid off.

Excellent, Jim. You don’t mention aperture, but it looks like you picked the right one and the perfect focal plane to get them all in focus.

Hi Jim
Nice set of Owls. I looked at a tighter crop and I think it holds up and really bring out the Owl’s eye. Thank you for the Owl family.

Thanks everyone. Kristen I never saw Dad. Dennis: 7.1 sorry for not including. Allen and Peter rework attached. Not sure if that is what you expected. Slight crop.

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