Mother Nature's Child

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Recently discovered, this owl and her two babies were getting a bit anxious with all the activity as some of the photographers were getting far too close. I chose to take a shot from a more protected area and just max out my 400mm.

Specific Feedback

Anything goes. This is the first time I’ve gotten to shoot my big rig since breaking my wrist in December of '24. I’m still not as steady as I would like so guess I’m going to have to bring out the monopod.

Technical Details

Nikon 8, f/5.6, 1/500, ISO 200, +.33 EV, “Z” 100-400 @400mm

Nice habitat shot with the owlet just peeking over the nest and the parent keeping a wary eye on the situation. I like the eye contact with the owlet.

Cool image, Chris. The background they chose is awesome. Definitely take the monopod-I use one all the time and it’s very much worth the extra effort. Interesting that it looks like one eye of the juvie has the nictitating membrane half deployed and the other eye doesn’t appear to. Sounds like this is a well known location, but if you can I’d suggest going back under a light overcast to get the harsher light on the back of the adult subdued a bit.

Hi Chris,
Nice view of the owlet with environment included. The peeking pose is interesting but too bad it was caused by others being too close. Harsh light but you handled it well. Agree with Dennis on trying a time of day with softer light.