
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This blend was more out of necessity instead of enhancing or obtaining a magical outcome. The forced error came about as a result of a light leak on my 4x5 camera. When using the 300mm lens the bellows gets extended out on the rails so far the bellows is stretched flat out. The result was a mix and match of a couple exposures to provide a finished product.
The upper exposed area was fine it was the lower half that had to be blended in from an earlier exposure. (Thanks to Mr. Richard Ritter in Vermont the Wista DXIII has a new bellows)

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Wista DXIII 4x5 - Nikon 300mm lens - Singh Ray 3 soft stop ND - Velvia 50

Paul, I can only imagine the challenges in blending two film exposures! Did you use scans for the blend? I like how the rocks point to the moon, but do feel like the lower half is too bright as the shaded rocks look brighter then the lit rocks above.

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Mark, thank you for your review, as always. The blend did take some work with the two 4x5 scanned images… :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Your change idea is a good one and easy enough to fix. Much easier than the blending process… :sunglasses: