More Birefringent Ice

I went looking for shapely ice structures yesterday after a hard overnight freeze. The pond where I found my previous large scale birefringent ice structure had them again, although without as much color from the birefringence and more color from the reflected light. I’m not sure about this view. I like all the structure but am not sure of the visual impact. I did process this for higher contrast to let the structure show more. I also did a b&w version, but find that definitely too busy.

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Fascinating, Mark. My attention goes directly to the colored pattern on the right side of the frame. I am thinking if desaturating that area is beneficial because of its placement on the edge of the frame…

This is really very interesting and I like your treatment of the colors. I feel the strongest part of the image is the shaded bottom half. While I like this, a crop in that area might be my preference.