Morning Light

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is one of my favorite spots close to home. I have photographed, this many times both in B&W and color. On this morning it was very crisp -13 degrees .

Technical Details

18 mm
ISO - 100
Canon 90D

1 Like

Great capture Mathieu and I can understand why you like this spot. For my eye, too much sky, but if you crop it, of course keep the silhouetted trees. For me, the contrast is enough that I don’t need to see all of the trees to the tip. The dark branches create a great frame for the peaks. I assume that’s a low cloud at left lit by the rising sun, so that’s important to retain as well.

Thanks for the feedback, James.
I would have liked a few more clouds but this was the last of the good light.