Morning Turkey Vulture

I was driving along a remote country road yesterday morning and came upon the turkey vulture that allowed me to stop nearby and shoot it from my car window.

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Is this a composite: No
D500, Nikon 200-500 lens, Nikon 1.4 TC, hand held, 1/2500th, f 8.0, 500mm, ISO 750, cropped to 2913 x 3293, AI Clear.

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Nice catch. The light brings up so much detail on that specialized head. If you have the room, it would be nice to see the bird shifted over a bit to the left leaving more room on the right for its gaze to fall into. Super background really makes this stand out nicely. Sunning vultures can be patient sometimes and I’m glad this one was for you.

I would have stopped too, Dale. Glad you did and got such a nice close up image of the Vulture. I see them circling and soaring at our wilderness park up the road, sometimes a flock of 12-15, but I don’t see them up close. Such a strong neck for that small pink and purple head. It’s a good picture. This legendary scavenger quietly warming up in the morning sun and such a wearied hang-sad face. Glad to see a little light in the eye and the light washing the wings and belly. Background works fine with the bird’s coloring. Thanks for posting it. Did you rest the lens on the open window? I occasionally use a small pillow as a lens rest.

Thanks. I have a foam rubber tube that I keep handy for putting it on the top edge of the window when I’m out shooting but I think I only hand held this shot for fear of spooking it off messing around with it. I had a high enough shutter speed set for the task.

Lovely shot Dave, well taken. Great detail and a sympathetic background that allows the bird to stand out. I also recently recieved a suggestion on the forum to move a bird to the left…and it worked!

Very nice catch, and I love the look he’s giving you. It has the look of too much NR, though. I’d suggest having a look at the current Topaz Denoise.