Morning's Glory

We got up early and arrived at Zabriskie Point at dawn. Most definitely worth the early hour trek. When we arrived, the light was barely there and there was no color. We waited patiently for the sun to rise as it lit up the mountains. A sight to see! All C&C most welcome.

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Is this a composite: No
1/5 second
ISO 125


Great take on a classic spot. I would be inclined to burn down the front ridge in the LRC.

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Wow, what a scene, Scott. Magnificent image and great processing work. Well done.

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Excellent image with great colors, lighting, textures and composition.

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Beautiful image…the undulations are wonderful plus great sky. Awesome.

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It is something to watch the colors change there as the sun rises. This is a lovely take on a classic scene.

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Thanks for the input!

Great image. I usually wait until I the shadows appear so this is quite different. The hills are usually yellow when I’ve gotten there but I these early morning colors are wonderful. Actually there are shadows here but they’re much gentler than an hour later.

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Thank you so much! Much appreciated.

Many thanks Igor! I am still “buzzing” from my trip there last December. A magical place.


Thank you Mario! Not a whole lot of post processing required on this one. A beautiful place.

Thank you Bonnie! I was a little worried when I arrived to a dull scene and asked our leader David “is this it”? He replied simply, “just wait”. I did and he was right!