Moss on Rock

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I went out to photograph a single bloom cluster on one of my wife’s Rock Daphnes this morning and after I finished, I got waylaid by the moss on a rock in her little zen garden.

Specific Feedback

I tried to provide some extra structure to this with selective emphasis in processing. I don’t know if it worked or not. In any case, do you find it interesting?

Technical Details

Sony A7Riv, FE 70-200 f/4 macro @ 200 mm, tripod, 13 image stack, f/16, 1/15, iso 1000, manual exposure, manual focus. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped to 7842x5650. Taken at 8:05 this morning.

Lovely textures. The white things add some movement to the image. The darker diagonal swath makes a good leading line to the dark hole, which provides a focal point. It’s often hard to find a composition with moss and I think you did a nice job.

Very nice, Dennis. I really like this. I haven’t ever tried a shot like this. I don’t get to be around moss all that much. If I do again, I hope I remember this shot and see what I can do with moss. Very well composed, with nice details. I can’t think of a thing that would improve the shot.

Wow, the textures are superb as are the tonal gradations across the frame. Whatever you did processing-wise it works!

The texture is wonderful. This is the kind of mossy carpet that I stop and pat when I’m in the woods. Looks soft and lush and full of life.