It was a very cold morning although the lake was not frozen over. I felt lucky to land a shot with the lake so still. That rarely happens up there.
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Canon 5DS R, Zeiss Milvus 50mm, f/1.4, 1/10sec@f/8, ISO 100, Polarizer, Tripod. I’m pretty sure I had a ND filter that gave it a bit of a color cast. Got rid of that and went with Breakthrough Photoraphy’s ND Filters from then on.
I worked this in Capture One to get the color better, and a bit dodging/burning/warming here and there. Oh, and there was one small rowboat that did not need to be there.
Beautiful, peaceful looking scene. I love the fog lifting and clouds around the mountain. And just the colors of everything makes it so soothing to look at. Great capture!
Yes, David, still water reflections are special, because they are rare. The mix of fog, cloud and light look great. I like the long sideways dynamic that the mountain and cloud as well as their reflections create.
The combination of mist and powerful blue is unusual and striking. The mountain draws the eye (maybe turn down the highlights there just a little?), but the trees are a great chorus to that solo. There is enough information and color in them to contribute to the tremendous presence of the peak. And who doesn’t love a mirror-like reflection?