Mt Hood Area

Canon 5D2, 17-40L f4 @ 40mm, f16@1.3, ISO 100, CPL

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Hi Danny, I like the framing on the right and the splashing water is nice. I’m wondering what the image would look like adding more of the scene on top with the water coming over - of course that could add distracting elements as well. A pleasing image.

Danny, this is a wonderful little scene.The light and spray on the rocks looks great, there are just so many interesting things going on in the water and rocks. And I think your processing has done a great job of getting the most out of this scene, I would not change anything related to exposure, contrast, and color.

I have couple reservations on the composition. The waterfall feels cutoff, in a vacuum I would either like to see more, or less of it. As presented, the bright branch in the extreme URC is a distraction to me. This branch may well be the reason you did not show of the top of the waterfall. In that case, I would suggest cropping some away from the top to eliminate the branch, and crop enough to just leave white water in the falls on the left.