Muskrat Love at Red Fox Meadows

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I arrived at this tiny pond before sunrise and sat on the frosty bank for about 40 minutes watching these guys swim in and out of their den. One finally climbed up on a downed tree near me and grazed for awhile. I think he/she has an injury on the right side of the face but I’m not sure… Very cool to be so close.

Specific Feedback

The tree is out of focus, I’m not sure if or how much that matters.

Technical Details

Fujifilm X-T3, 1/1250s, f/6.4, ISO 640, 400mm


Debbie, this is a wonderful image. The scene is story telling as well as being technically very nice overall. I do not do any avian or wildlife anymore but I can appreciate the work efforts and skill to capture excellent wildlife images such as this posted scene… :+1:
The title caught my immediate attention. Many years ago I met and had lunch with the long time drummer of Captain & Tennille. During the conversation I asked how his tour was going and knew he had just finished a gig as it was in Las Vegas a few days earlier. Like any “job” there was a down side which he shared with the response; “how many times can you hear Muskrat Love before you update your resume?”…It gave me a good laugh at the time… :smiley:

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Thanks! This was the first time I’d found a den (of any kind) so it was a pretty nice experience sitting there watching them.

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Debbie, this is a wonderful photo. I find the lighting, the colors, the composition all to be marvelous. For my part, the out-of-focus log isn’t distracting. Instead, it helped instantly put my eye on the beaver - where the focus seems to be perfect. I love the simplicity (minimalism) of the shot. Thank you for sharing this! – Michael

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@Michael_Thornton Thank you so much for commenting!