"My, I'm a handsome duck"

It looks as if the Mallard is admiring his reflection, but I snapped this as he was moving his head to preen.

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Canon R5; 100-500 at 500 mm; 1/1000@f7.1; ISO 5000

Funny title, Allen. Very curious pose. It really does look like he’s looking at himself and with a little cock of the head as well. You might consider burning the whites on the rock just a little bit. They are pretty bright. Good detail in the bird.

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Love the title as well. I like the classic ‘looking in the mirror pose’, at first I thought I would prefer the bird at an angle showing more of the face, but then looking at the reflection I found I kind of like it this way. Cheers, Hans

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Well seen and executed! Lovely detail and engaging moment caught!

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Excellent, Allen, though I believe this is a “she”. I really like the pose and the reflection is perfect.

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Thanks for commenting, @Dennis_Plank . There were a good two dozen or more mallards on the lake we were at and they all looked like this duck. I’m wondering if they are not all juveniles and the books I perused don’t seem to differentiate between the sexes at this stage. Though the orange bill does suggest female.

Nice capture Allen and that is a great pose with fine reflection. Fine details and good composition. Well done.

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