A lone Joshua tree resembling a free standing Tiki Torch with the Teetering Rock formation directly behind it. During this sunrise and from this angle a tiny gap can be seen below the huge boulder.
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Wista DXIII 4x5 - Schneider APO 210mm - Velvia 50 (Converted in PS & NIK)
Paul, I’m thoroughly enjoying the visual balance between the J-tree and the balancing rock (pun not intended…). The play of light and shadow in the rocks is good as well.
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I love the sky and the general scene. I wonder if you have a shot from a different camera position to put the top of the joshua in the dark area above it and slightly to the right?
For me, the rocks and FG are low in contrast but dark, with the shadows looking blocked up. I’m betting that could be resolved with a different conversion.
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