Nature's Triquetra

Specific Feedback Requested

Nothing terribly specific. This is a piece I am quite happy with, but I figured I would participate and get some additional thoughts on it, for future reference.

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Hey Cody! I would be quite happy with this one as well, if it was mine. I think it’s very tastefully done - a feast for the eyes, as corn lilies tend to be when done well!

I think it has a little balance issue in the area of luminosity. The bottom and right sides of the frame are much brighter than the top and left. Also, there are dark areas throughout that are a bit too shadowy and contrasty for my taste (just because most of the image feels very light and graceful), which might not be a big issue except that those areas are mostly distributed on the top and right, with not enough darkness to balance them out in the lower-left, so they feel more intrusive.

So what I would do is dodge up the top-center leaf of the “main” lily, maybe darken the rightmost leaf coming from the right edge of the frame so the main lily stands out more against it, and brighten or lessen the contrast in the shadow areas in the top and right regions of the frame.

Lastly, there’s a little leaf suspended above the lower-right dark patch that is pretty bright and distracting that I’d darken/burn down.

Suggestion attached. Hope this helps, I like the image!

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Thanks for this Alex. I can certainly see what you mean and will take your suggestions into consideration.

This is a very beautiful image! Personally I like the strong contrast and tones throughout the image. Additionally, the water droplets on the leaves are a superb bonus. I do however agree with Alex about the small bright leaf in the lower right and I like how he darkened it.

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Cody, this is a fantastic image. I would love to see this blown up on a wall. I do think Alex’s edit does tighten the image a bit and really makes those center leaves pop. This one is very inspiring.

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Beautiful patterns and intersecting lines. Stunning!

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Thank you all for your comments; they are much appreciated!

Exquisite Cody! Well done.

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Beautiful lines and almost 3-dimensional textures in this image. Lots to get lost in and enjoy… Alex’s comments and rework are very interesting. It could easily pass for a fine art photorealistic drawing. A superb image. I hope that you will print it?

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Thank you Laura. I most certainly have printed it before, as I do all my work before it gets “finalized” for the portfolio.

“A culture is no better than its trees - W.H. Auden” Absolutely! Beautiful work and website. Glad I paid a visit!

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