What technical feedback would you like if any? Any
What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
I was driving around yesterday morning to see what I could see and I came upon this fine looking specimen who was willing to let me shoot him some. I admired his nice rack and also his uni-brow. The combination of the dark and the amount of white on its face is unusual for around here. I’ve not seen that before. D500, Nikon 200-500 lens, Nikon 1.4 TC, hand held, 1/1000th, f 8…0, 300mm, ISO 3600, AI clear, cropped to 3185 x 3673.
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He does look like an unusual specimen. Nice colors and good light. My preference would have been to include the feet in the frame, and a slightly looser crop elsewhere.
Dave: this is a very handsome buck. I don’t know how much you’ve cropped, but it’s a bit too much. The animal has very little room I the frame and it’s possible that you’ve cropped off his feet. I had an AP photographer friend who told me “thou shalt not amputate by crop” Richard
I’ve been quietly absorbing these critiques that I knew I’d get. The high POV and the too tight cropping. I know better but the buck was lower than me, and I had no way to back up and still see him so I took the shot anyway with too much glass. I did not have time to remove my 1.4 TC which would’ve helped the cropping but I sure was stuck with the angle. I thought it was worth keeping though, flawed that it was. I almost didn’t post it. Ha!