This was the last shot of the day. The coastal weather tends to lift often just at sunset, providing light through the openings of the clouds. It’s often an arresting moment where you stop and stare.
D810 Tamron24-70@40mm, f/11, 1.0sec, iso 64
This was the last shot of the day. The coastal weather tends to lift often just at sunset, providing light through the openings of the clouds. It’s often an arresting moment where you stop and stare.
D810 Tamron24-70@40mm, f/11, 1.0sec, iso 64
Yucca make really nice silhouettes, and I think you’ve used that to good effect here. You might play with a bit tighter crop to emphasize them.
John, please show your suggested crop. Thank you for commenting.
Igor, I can hear Mussorgsky’s opening lines with the “flying” strings and the “thumping” horns! The sky here is nicely mysterious with the spiky yucca adding a touch of ominous.
The light here is moody and sublime. There is sufficient detail in the landmass to realize what is being shown and I love how those two trees reach up toward the sky. A beautiful and thought provoking images - one that pay dividends if you care to give it the necessary attention.
Thank you John for the suggestion. I guess it’s what point you want to get across. When I took this shot I wanted that hole in the sky to appear in the image as a hole. I wanted the stalks rising into the hole surrounded by darker clouds. This image has been virtually unchanged from the vision. So, I guess we have different visions of this scene. Thank you for the suggestion, though. I had actually briefly your crop during the processing.
I’m a bit behind and late in responding, but wanted to comment. I immediately got that impression of a “hole in the sky” and can “see” what you saw. I like the upward looking perspective, which even accentuates the “looking towards the heavens” perspective (my inserted perspective.) The tall plants also help emphasize that.
In the end, it’s also an image where being there and experiencing the moment really surpasses what can be presented on screen. hope that makes sense.