Nikon 70-180 zoom - upgrade?

Is anyone aware of a good macro zoom for Nikon (I know both Sigma and Tamron are coming up with some exccelelnt stuff) that would replace and upgrade my Nikon 70-180 macro zoom?

I LOVE that lens, but it is very heavy and does not have VR.

Thanks for any thoughts!

I wish I knew of one, but I’ve checked B&H and filtered for macro and f-mount so any other brands would be listed along with Nikon. No zooms. I’m old enough and shaky enough that I really need VR for handholding. Sooooo, much as I too love my 70-180, it’s a tripod lens.

You stirred my curiosity (and self-interest) Sandy, so I’ve searched widely for zoom macros other than the 70-180. Nonesuch that I can find, but I’d love to be proven wrong.

I’ve looked too, and can’t find anything. I detest tripods, and for things like tiny, flitting bees in flight, they are useless.
We’ll see what comes out in the future.
Thanks for your valiant attempts!

Speaking of tiny flitting bees, here’s hoping anything new has faster autofocus along with VR! :thinking:

I should add that in support of my ongoing book project I recently picked up the latest Nikon 60mm macro, and the AF has spoiled me beyond words. My sweetest dream would be the same kind of performance in a zoom.