North Canyon, Grand Canon

The fluting of the wallls, the reflected image all dovetailing just right of center

Specific Feedback Requested

Any and All

Technical Details

Nikon D700 camera, Nikon 24-120 mm lens @ 24mm, ISO 200, 22 sec, f22. Processed in Photoshop with Nik Color Effex Pro

Hey Paul! I thought your name looked familiar, I just had a look at your 4x4 in OnLandscape! I would love to hear more about your experience with that. Great to see you over here and hope you are enjoying yourself so far. I look forward to seeing your critiques as well.

First of all, these layers in the stone are excellent! What an amazing find and you’ve done well to highlight them. I had a really immediate reaction to the green tone in the water. It is a bit unnerving but I enjoy it. My first thought was a crop to remove the patch of small stones and dirt at the bottom of the frame to make this a panorama. I also removed the little bit of red stone in the lower right corner with the crop. This made it all about the water and the large layered rock in the background. It also added to the effect of the green water as I couldn’t tell how much further it went. Finally I added some saturation into the highlights of the rock by pulling back on their luminosity. This darkened them down and gave them some color as well. I also tried to darken the triangular shape in the top middle of the frame. Happy to share it if you feel it would be helpful for you. I liked that it simplified and enhanced the isolated / uneasy feeling. Almost like another planet!

This looks like such an amazing place. I love the sense of power and force that comes from those curved slabs. It reminds of the violence of the sea. And that combined with the tranquility and stillness of the water makes for great contrast. The weakest part of the image for me is the gravel coming in from the bottom. I’m not sure cropping it out is the solution because it does form a nice arc. I would probably burn it in a bit and see how that works out. I feel that all your attention should draw you into that gorge and some of the brighter areas along the water’s edge on the left keeps me from doing that.

David Thanks for your interest & suggestions. I am out the door early this AM on a short photo shoot. I will relook at my image and get back to you this weekend. Paul

Thank ou Igor. I will look at how your suggestions can increase the power of the image. Paul

Hi Paul what a fantastic scene. I agree the reflection just adds so much to the scene. Well done indeed.

You’ll get lots of opinions here regarding the technicals and they’re all from the perspective and viewpoint of the viewer. For me, the only thing I would consider changing is to bring the brightness down just a tad. The rockery in the center feels a bit bright. But that’s just me.

I would love to go here and see/photograph this. It is quite interesting and pulls me in. Wonderful.

Thanks so much I am off on a photo shoot will look at the image this weekend

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Thank you for the suggestion. I did tone down the rock some which created a scene more in keeping with that day where the area was in shade other than the upper mid triangular area which was quite bright which required significant burning,. Paul

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The Canyon received significantly less rainfall in 2022 and therefore the pool in front of the rock was minimal compared to prior years. With little flow, it allowed algae growth, thus contributing to the green hue. In my landscape photos I do not like to manipulate the colors, so it is what it was.

My latest contribution to On Landscape was from a photo workshop in the Utah Badlands. Remarkable scenery. There were 6 of us with 2 pros. All owned and had experience with drones other than me. One instructor insisted I use his drone. It would be hard to fully experience that landscape without a drone. Probably i/4 of my images were taken with the drone, the rest with my Nikon D850. Paul