Northern Harrier In Flight

Thjs is another large crop but at iso 4000. in this case 8.5 out of 61 MP or 14% of full frame. I like the color palette and the eye contact.

Specific Feedback Requested

The original and the first enlargement show a white halo around the bird. I don’t think this is processing artifact as it is present in the raw file. Which do you prefer?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
iso 4000, 400 plus 2X, f5.6, 2500th, handheld, A7R4, 14% of full frame. Minimal sharpening.
I included the raw file and the first enlargement.

It looks good. I like how you have popped the colors up. Nice habitat as well. I prefer without halo.

Hi David! Nice shot of the Northern Harrier! I love the eye contact and detail, and prefer the version without the halo.

I like your main post. The white might just be sun shining through the edge of the feathers, but it looks better without it in my opinion. I also like the size of the bird in the frame and the background is excellent.

Good catch! Looks like the halo is in the raw file – does it make sense that it is a lighter fringe on the feathers? Even if so, it can look a bit artificial. I might go halfway in between on eliminating it.

A nice flight shot and background. Comparing the two, I’d go with the de-haloed shot, but probably would have thought the same as Dennis and Diane if just the original had been posted. Either way, nice capture.