November Greater Yellowlegs

What technical feedback would you like if any? How do you feel about the midtone contrast, sharpness…etc.

What artistic feedback would you like if any? How do you like the comp?

Any pertinent technical details: D500 600mm f4 + 1.4 TC (1/320 sec at f8.0, Iso 1600, fill flash) Crop for comp, DeNoise, TK’s sharpening for web, + Midtone Contrast, Crop for Comp.

I took a few hours off before work and proceeded out to Washtenaw County in pursuit of the elusive spotted redshank. I was able to take some “birder quality shots” of the redshank from about 200 feet away with 40 mph wind gusts. The temperature was in the 30’s and my arthritic hands were in pain when a few greater yellowlegs showed up fairly close. I could not feel the exposure button on the camera so I missed quite a few, but snagged some nice exposures when the finger decided to work. This bird is stirring up the bottom with its feet to scare up some aquatic insects for breakfast.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Nice detail and exposure, Jim. I like the pose, but I wish it had moved way from the pond scum behind it as I find that it pulls my eye a bit.

Thank you Dennis.

This was a flooded portion of a farmer’s field and there was not an area of clean space. Lots of stumps, grass, dead brown eyed susans so this is one of the cleaner ones. I’ll post some of the others later in the week for you to examine as to whether any of them have some artistic advantages over this one. :+1:

Jim, I think it sounds like you took lemons and made lemonade that day! Considering the location, the weather, and your hands, it is an excellent shot. He is a beautiful bird.

Hi Shirley,

Thank you for your comments. It was nice to be organized enough so that the camera’s settings were appropriate for the available light. Now, I sit in one spot and let the birds come to me. It seems to be working…Jim