November palette

An oldie but a goodie. Taken in November 2010 at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, Plum Island Mass. The fog rolled in and the atmosphere switch got flipped. It started raining just after I shot this. The colors and the mood were just great. It was a favorite place to go when I lived in NH.

Specific Feedback Requested

Processing input welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No


Re-processed in Lightroom to reduce exposure and manage tonalities with a lot of local adjustments - gradients for the fore and back grounds to improve foggy atmosphere and texture in the cattails and grasses. Some radial filters to balance dark areas on either side of the boardwalk. Some work in the color panel to boost yellow luminance and increase orange and red saturation. Sharpening & noise reduction, but not much. A small crop to 5:7.

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Great mood and great scene. Love that fog and the red bushes in the back are real nice bonus. Everything looks good to me.

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I think it is a beautiful image. The LR processing looks great and complements the scene. For me, the most interesting parts of the image are in the mid and background, with the little crook in the boardwalk, the red trees, and the mist. I find the foreground reeds and grasses that are flattened are a little distracting and not as engaging for me. Have you experimented with a crop that crops out the foreground so other parts of the path and the trees are more prominent? Depending on the aspect ratio, it might require an off center boardwalk. That doesn’t bother me so much, but might unbalance it for others.

Thanks for chiming in, @Jason_Katz - yes I have already cropped some of the immediate boardwalk out of the shot, but I could always play with it since there isn’t much going on except giving general environmental information.