NPN is currently experiencing issues for some users. Some of you may receive a notice when visiting the site that it is unsafe, etc. The issue lies with the hosting of our images and was somehow flagged by Google as being unsafe. We are unsure of why this happened but have no reason to believe there is actually a problem.
Unfortunately, it is in Google’s hands right now to take us off the list. You can help out by reporting the site as safe by visiting this site:
We apologize for any confusion this is causing and we know some of you can’t view images on the site. Hopefully, Google will remove us from this list quickly, thank you for your patience.
Thanks for the hard work on this!
Glad to hear it’s Google instead of MY computer, which it usually is - and that prompts lots of people to say “No problem here with my MAC”
That was my intitial thought as well Gary, but alas it is not that simple. Somehow the service just got flagged by Google, not from anything we did but just a fluke. So now we wait for google to take it off the list, I can’t stand being at their mercy, I just want to fix it!
Thank you everyone for helping out and your patience through this, your reports seemed to have helped and the site is no longer listed by Google. Please let me know if you see any further problems.
An issue that you may see on some of the posts is the image not lightboxing to a larger image. @staff when you see a post like this please click on the admin wrench and select ‘Rebuild HTML’ which will fix the problem.
I still have problems. I use an antivirus called ESET NOD, which is excellent, but it now brings up a warning (or multiple warnings) on every NPN page. I use the Chrome browser.
Also, I am unable to view images, they are all blurred. Uploaded images are also all blurred, like this one showing the warning message: